
Welcome to Cornerstone Community Church of Atascadero!

We tell all our visitors three things:
  1. We are really grateful you're here!

  2. You are in a place where the ground is level. No one is any higher, better, or more significant than anyone else. The ground at the foot of the cross is level ground, and we are all sinners who need a Savior - and that Savior is Jesus Christ. While your salvation is a personal matter, God never designed it to be a private matter. He wants us to live as brothers and sisters in the family of God.

  3. We love you enough to speak the Truth to you - and that's Truth with a captial "T" - the Truth from God's Word. The Truth about Jesus, His person, His works, and His Words, and how He will transform your life from the inside out. He is the Cornerstone of our faith.

Service Times & Location


Sunday Mornings
8:45 am and 10:45 am


9685 Morro Road
Atascadero, CA 93422
Photo of front of Cornerstone Community Church.

Connect with us!

Want more information, or new to our church? We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form at the button below to get started.

Get the  app

Check out our Church Center App, through which you can view the church calendar, communicate with your Community Group, register for events, view the bulletin, and more! 

Frequently Asked Questions

(What to expect!)

What time do services start?

Our services are at 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. with a time of food and fellowship between services in our free cafe! 

What does a service look like?

Each service lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes. Our music team begins with 1-2 songs, including words up on our screens for all to join in singing together. We read Scripture and pray together. Parents sign their children into their Sunday School classes (through 6th grade) while we sing another song. Our pastor will then share an expository sermon, lasting about 45 minutes. He concludes his sermon with a prayer, and we sing one final song. We also have a prayer team up front at the end for any who wish to be prayed with. 

What do you have for children?

We offer Sunday School for children ages 0 on up through 6th grade during both services. Nursing moms can take their children to our Cry Room and still listen to or watch the sermon. We are intentional about rooting our children to grow in Christ - check out more about our Children's Ministries!

What is your music like?

We sing both hymns and contemporary songs that exalt Jesus Christ and glorify God.

Do you have Communion?

We take communion together on the first Sunday of each month. Our 4th-6th grade children join us for this entire service.

What should I wear?

You may wear whatever you want. There may be some people who wear sport coats, some who enjoy more business casual (slacks and a button shirt), and still others who prefer jeans and t-shirt.

What "size" is Cornerstone?

Our average church attendance is between 300 and 400 people on a given Sunday (stretched over two services). We strive to grow smaller as we grow larger and encourage you to check out one of our Community Groups to connect and serve.

Will I be asked to give money?

Offering boxes are available at the exits in our sanctuary or our Information Counter, but we do not expect visitors to give. Should you wish to, you can also give online, or through our church app (see the links below).

What do you believe and teach?

We are part of the Evangelical Free Church of America. You can learn more about our beliefs under What We Believe and Our Mission and Values

More Questions?

Feel free to drop by the Information Counter in the lobby on Sunday morning, or you can contact our office. Please note, our office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9am-5pm.