Give Online

We have partnered with Subsplash Giving, a secure way to accept online donations. We  accept eChecks, debit, or credit cards. (We strongly suggest not using a credit card unless you pay it off every month.) Please fill out the form below to utilize this service. Simply select which fund you would like your donation to apply to, and then select the frequency with which you would like to give (one-time, weekly, etc.), then click the "Next" button, where you will be able to fill out your information.

Deposit Boxes

Sunday mornings, we have black deposit boxes at the exits of our sanctuary, and another at the Information Counter. Please note which fund you would like your check to apply toward in the memo section. (We do not take an offering during the service.)

Mail A Check

Please make your check out to Cornerstone Community Church, and mail it to our office: 7920 Santa Rosa Rd., Atascadero, CA 93422. Please note which fund you would like your check to apply toward in the memo section. If you have online banking, this address is the information you should use to send your check.

Your Time and Talents

We have many opportunities for you to give of your time to further the kingdom. These opportunities are inside the building, outside in the community and global through missions. As members of the body of Christ we are called to go joyfully into our community and love and serve others in Jesus’ name. Check out our Service Interest Form to let us know your skills and interests!

Why we give

“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” - Psalm 24:1

We understand that all we have has been entrusted to us by God and it is our privilege to act as wise stewards in using His resources for His glory. We understand that God does not need our money, time, talents, or resources, but that we need to demonstrate our willing and joyful dependence upon Him through sacrificial giving and serving.

View your donation history

Once logged into Church Center (buttons below):
  1. Go to the Me page by clicking your profile photo or initials in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Scroll down, and under "Activity & involvement" select "My Giving."
  3. Select "Donation history."

Please Note:
  • Online giving may take up to a week to show in your history.
  • Statements will appear annually for the previous year by January 31st each year.
  • The "Recurring donations" and "Payment methods" tabs are not currently active. Online donations are currently handled through Subsplash Giving (our current online giving platform) above.

Larry Jordan


Hi, I'm Larry Jordan, the church treasurer. Should you have any questions about our budget, etc., please contact me via the button below. For specific questions related to your current giving, please contact Jen Kramer, our bookkeeper.